Welcome, introductions, etc.

Oh, hi there. I’m Marie. Welcome to Twenty-Something – a blog in which I intend to chronicle my innermost thoughts and desires (they’re not that intense, I swear), my awkward life moments and hurdles (of which there are around a million), and just my everyday musings on the world I find myself attempting to survive in (something that proves difficult when you trip over nonexistent objects).

Here’s the thing: I’ve tried writing a music blog for an extended period of time within the last year, and I found it more difficult than I anticipated. Frankly, I don’t have a lot to write about in the realm of music. I enjoy the hell out of it but, in terms of technical stuff and being able to have opinions other than “That song is amazing” or “Fuck Coldplay” (that’s a true sentiment, for the record), I just don’t have a lot to say on the matter (that being said, I do intend to write about music from time to time).

I’ve also tried writing a personal blog in the past, which I absolutely loved. The nice thing about it was that I could write about absolutely anything I wanted to! Granted, I didn’t write about the nitty-gritty details of my life and I wasn’t in the business of airing my dirty laundry, but it was nice to have just an open-ended forum to write about whatever the hell I wanted.

Also, I love to write. Perhaps it’s less than modest, but aside from enjoying it, I’m also pretty damn good at it. So I’ve decided to give the “personal” blog another go.

Again, this is not a place to air my dirty laundry, nor do I intend to write long diatribes about my love life, family life, friend drama, etc. (though, I promise you, it’s all very interesting and saucy…usually). This is simply an outlet for me to do something I enjoy and to give my creativity a boost. In that area, I need all the help I can get.

So if you find yourself wanting to be along for the ride, again, welcome! I’m more than happy to have you here. I’ll start by sharing a few different hats that I wear.

The student: I am 6 months away from graduating college and I could not be any happier about that. College has simultaneously enriched my life and destroyed my soul. I love to learn, but I also love sleep. Maybe someday I can have both?

The football fan: I love college football, specifically the Nebraska Huskers. Go big red!

The friend: My friends are some of the most important people in my life. I intend to write more about them when the situation arises.

The girlfriend: My dating life has been somewhat of a mess in the last year – I dated the same person from the age of 20-25, and around 8 months ago, it became apparent that we were not meant for each other. Going through a break-up and moving out of the apartment we shared was an absolute nightmare, but I am happier now than I’ve been in years. Not to mention, I happen to be dating someone new. Someone who makes me feel like I’m walking around every day with little cartoon heart bubbles popping out of my head. We have what should be an illegal amount of fun together, we’re so compatible it scares me, and I am head over heels in love with him. It’s pretty awesome.

Phew, did it get a little serious in here? Perhaps that’s enough sharing for one day. We’ll start again soon with…well, whatever the hell I want! See you next time…